Monday, December 7, 2009

Miraculous Water

I guess, water plays a pivotal role in all our lives. To say it in brief , water is a perfect example of what we call a "perfect-balance" in this world. The nature is in a peaceful harmony , everything has been precisely designed.

So is water,which is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It's a universal solvent,ie, dissolves almost anything. What miracle I am talking about, is that, water is the only substance whose solid state(ice) is lighter than its liquid phase. As a consequence, ice floats on water. Why was this to be an exception? When every solid state is heavier than its liquid phase then why ice had to be lighter?Uh, the answer lies in the arctic poles. The temperature over there is so damn low that it can almost freeze anything(yeah, including water)! However, the irony is that marine life....yeah "marine life" exists over there. The reason? I mean, how is it possible? You know what, the temperature starts freezing the ocean surface (surface turns into ice), the ice floats on water, being lighter, and prevents further freezing!! It actually keeps the ocean below isolated as well as warm! If this exception wasn't there , life in arctic poles would have ceased to exist(no seals,no Eskimos as there wont be any fishes,the primary source of food there)!!

Thanks for reading,

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